by Hearing the Voice | Nov 16, 2021 | Employment opportunities
If you’re interested in this opportunity, please send a short video or a photo and a message by email to Lara Manwaring Casting.
by Hearing the Voice | Oct 19, 2021 | Announcements, featured
Back in 2018, Hearing the Voice (HtV) launched a new website, Understanding Voices (UV), to help support people who hear voices and their loved ones. We now have a chance to apply for funds to develop an app for young people who hear voices. While we are using the...
by Hearing the Voice | Oct 1, 2021 | Announcements
Hearing the Voice is delighted to announce the release of our new Royal College of Psychiatrists CPD eLearning module on ‘Phenomenology and treatment of voice hearing in psychiatric practice’. The module aims to ‘facilitate a better understanding of the...
by Hearing the Voice | Sep 28, 2021 | Announcements, featured
Our ‘Quick Read’ information fact sheets about hearing voices have now been translated into the top 10 languages other than English spoken in the UK. Each PDF provides information about the following topics: What is hearing voices? How common is it? Why does it...
by Hearing the Voice | Jul 29, 2021 | Announcements, featured
HEARINGVOICES/SEEINGVISIONS/MAKINGZINES Digital zine workshops w/ Liv Wynter and Voice Collective Do you want to help people understand what it is like to be a young person who hears, sees, or senses things that others don’t? Join artist Liv Wynter for a series of...