Featured posts
LIVV: Test out our pilot app for young people who hear voices
We’re looking for a group of young people (aged 18–25) with personal experience of hearing voices to test out a pilot version of our app LIVV.
Hearing the Voice: Twelve findings
To mark the end of Hearing the Voice, we have published a short brochure presenting a selection of twelve research and engagement findings from a decade’s worth of interdisciplinary voice-hearing research.
Recent posts
Professor Tom McLeish FInstP, FRSC, FRS
The Hearing the Voice team was terribly saddened by the news of the passing of Professor Tom McLeish. Tom was a very special friend to project and one of its earliest and most important champions.
LIVV: Test out our pilot app for young people who hear voices
We’re looking for a group of young people (aged 18–25) with personal experience of hearing voices to test out a pilot version of our app LIVV.
Hearing the Voice: Twelve findings
To mark the end of Hearing the Voice, we have published a short brochure presenting a selection of twelve research and engagement findings from a decade’s worth of interdisciplinary voice-hearing research.
LIVV: Try out a prototype app for young people who hear voices
Earlier this year we ran three co-design workshops to find out what young people who hear voices would want from an app. Now we’re looking for some feedback on a small scale, early prototype. If you’re aged 16–25 with personal experience of hearing voices, we’d love to hear what you think about what we’ve created.
Living with Voices: Can you help us build an app for young people who hear voices?
We’re looking for a group of young people (aged 16–25) with first-hand experience of hearing voices who would like to work with us to build a pilot version of our Living with Voices app. Later this month we will be running a series of three online workshops in which we’ll co-design the app and develop its features together. Workshops will take place on Monday 21 March, 28 March and 4 April (6–7.30pm).
Dialogues from Babel (Edinburgh, 4 March 2022, 7.30pm; Newcastle upon Tyne, 7pm)
We are delighted to announce that a rehearsed reading of Dialogues from Babel will take place in Edinburgh and Newcastle upon Tyne next month. Drawn from interviews with voice-hearers and novelists, the play weaves together conversations that unfold to illuminate the experience of hearing a voice that no one else can hear.
Living with Voices: A smartphone app for young people who hear distressing voices
In November last year we ran a short consultation to explore young voice-hearers’ responses to the question: Should we build a smartphone app for young people who hear voices? Encouraged by the results of the consultation, we put in an application for Durham’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Accelerator Awards. We’re delighted to announce that we were successful in our bid for funding for development of a Living with Voices pilot app.
In September 2021, a group of young people who hear voices (aged 16–25) joined artist Liv Wynter and Voice Collective for four online workshops where they made digital zines exploring how hearing voices intersects with other aspects of their identity. We're delighted...