by Hearing the Voice | Dec 1, 2016 | Events, HtV Events, Uncategorized
Hearing the Voice and Empty Shop are delighted to invite you to the North East premiere of the documentary-film ‘Healing Voices.’ This screening is part of our mini film festival and linked programmed of events that surround the ‘Hearing Voices: suffering,...
by Hearing the Voice | Nov 23, 2016 | Cultural & Media Events, Events, HtV Events, Uncategorized
Hearing the Voice and Empty Shop are delighted to invite you to the UK premier of ‘They Heard Voices,’ produced by Jonathan Balazs. The screening is part of our mini film festival and linked programmed of events that surround the ‘Hearing Voices:...
by Hearing the Voice | Nov 9, 2016 | Cultural & Media Events, Events, Hearing Voices Network & Voice Collective Events, HtV Events
Hearing the Voice is delighted to announce that we will be holding a mini film festival on voice-hearing in collaboration with Durham’s Empty Shop as part of the linked programme of events that surrounds Hearing Voices: suffering, inspiration and the everyday. The...