by Hearing the Voice | Apr 19, 2018 | Announcements, featured, HtV Publications, HtV Research, Publications, Research
Interdisciplinary research: intermittently theorised, frequently funded, increasingly valorised. But how is it actually done? In 2015, HtV launched a project intended to provide answers to this very question. The result? Working Knowledge – a...
by Hearing the Voice | Oct 19, 2015 | Conferences, Seminars, Lectures & Workshops, HtV Conference, Seminar, Workshop, HtV Research, Reviews
Last month Hearing the Voice welcomed delegates from the Academy of Finland’s Human Mind programme to a two-day workshop entitled ‘An Exchange of Minds: So what do you believe?’, which took place at the Palatine Centre at Durham University on 28-29 September 2015....
by Hearing the Voice | Sep 25, 2015 | Conferences, Seminars, Lectures & Workshops, HtV Research
Hearing the Voice is delighted to welcome visiting speakers and delegates from the Academy of Finland to a two-day workshop entitled ‘An Exchange of Minds: So what do you believe?’, which will take place at the Palatine Centre at Durham University on 28-29 September...
by Hearing the Voice | Aug 18, 2015 | Announcements, Funding announcements |
Corinne Saunders, Professor of English Studies and Co-Director of Durham University’s Centre for Medical Humanities, writes: We are delighted to announce that Hearing the Voice has been awarded a Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award to continue its interdisciplinary...
by Hearing the Voice | Jun 4, 2015 | Cultural & Media Events, Uncategorized
Join us for an event which seeks to explore the materialities of mental illness, featuring David Cronenberg’s psychological thriller Spider (2002). Starring Ralph Fiennes and Miranda Richardson, the film reveals the intricate and confusing webs of bodies, objects and...