Public Lecture: Professor Tanya Luhrmann on ‘The Voice of God’ at Palace Green Library, Durham, 16 February 2017 from 5:30 – 7pm.

Professor Tanya Luhrmann on ‘The Voice of God’ Public Lecture Wolfson Gallery, Palace Green Library 16 February 2017, from 5.30 – 7pm God is in some ways the ultimate uncertainty, since God has no material trace which gives certain evidence of presence. The great...

‘Their voices made them do it? Media stereotypes, violence and voice-hearing,’ Palace Green Library Café, 14 December 2016, from 5 – 7pm.

‘Their voices made them do it? Media stereotypes, violence and voice-hearing’ Palace Green Library Café 14 December 2016, 5 – 7pm When someone who hears voices commits a violent crime, it is often reported in the media as if the fact they heard voices is...

Announcing the opening of ‘Hearing Voices: suffering, inspiration and the everyday’, Palace Green Library, Durham, 5 November 2016 – 26 February 2017

Hearing Voices: suffering, inspiration and the everyday Dennyson Stoddart and Durham University Galleries Palace Green Library, Durham, DH1 3RN 5 November 2016 – 26 February 2017 We are delighted to announce that Hearing Voices: suffering, inspiration and the everyday...

So what do you believe? Reflections on ‘An Exchange of Minds’, Durham University, 28-19 September 2015

Last month Hearing the Voice welcomed delegates from the Academy of Finland’s Human Mind programme to a two-day workshop entitled ‘An Exchange of Minds: So what do you believe?’, which took place at the Palatine Centre at Durham University on 28-29 September 2015....