House-Face predictive codingA warm welcome to everyone joining us today for our workshop on Prediction and Hallucination at St Chad’s College, Durham University.

Organised by Ben Alderson-Day and Sam Wilkinson, this two-day workshop brings together philosophers, psychologists, cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, hallucinations researchers and clinicians in order to share current theories, opinions and findings on predictive processing framework (PPF) approaches to hearing voices and other unusual experiences. Topics we’ll cover include:

  • What does predictive processing have to tell us about hearing voices and hallucinations more generally, in other modalities?
  • Domain-general vs. modality specific changes in prediction and perception
  • The explanatory status of PPF approaches
  • How might the predictive processing framework inform clinical practice and suggest specific avenues for the treatment and management of distressing voices?

Speakers include Dr Mark Sprevak (Edinburgh), Professor Paul Fletcher (Cambridge), Professor Richard Holton (Cambridge), Dr Phil Corlett (Yale), Dr Kelly Diederen (Cambridge), Dr Kristiina Kompus (University of Bergen), Professor Renaud Jardri (University of Lille), Dr Micah Allen (UCL), and Dr Kiesuke Suzuki (University of Sussex), as well as HtV’s Ben Alderson-Day and Sam Wilkinson.

For more information on Prediction and Hallucination please download the workshop programme.

Hearing the Voice is delighted to welcome visiting speakers and delegates to Durham – we look forward to many interesting and stimulating discussions about the predictive processing framework and its role in understanding psychosis and hallucinations in the days to come.

For live tweets from the workshop follow #HtVPrediction on Twitter.