by Hearing the Voice | Dec 18, 2014 | Cultural & Media Events, HtV Research, Interviews & Talks
Earlier this month we saw the release of ‘Voices in the Dark: An Audio Story’ produced by Mosaic – the Wellcome Trust’s online science magazine. The podcast features interviews with HtV’s Charles Fernyhough, Angela Woods and Hilary...
by Hearing the Voice | Jul 3, 2014 | HtV Research, Ideas & Opinions
In his blog ‘The Voices Within’ for Psychology Today, HtV’s Charles Fernyhough writes: In my last post, I noted that public perceptions of voice-hearing (due in part to distorted media representations) get the science of voice-hearing very wrong. In a new...
by Hearing the Voice | Jun 18, 2013 | HtV Publications, HtV Research |
My research in the Hearing the Voice project starts with the deceptively simple question: what is it we are studying? In a presentation at the Hearing Voices symposium at Stanford earlier this year, I explored how voices or auditory verbal hallucinations have been...
by Hearing the Voice | Mar 8, 2013 | Cultural & Media Events, Interviews & Talks
Adam first became associated with the Hearing the Voice Project in late 2011 when he participated in a series of workshops run by Dr Sandra Escher and Prof Marius Romme (founders of the Intervoice movement and at that time visiting fellows of Durham’s Institute of...
by Hearing the Voice | Jan 10, 2013 | Ideas & Opinions
“What do we mean by an ‘active sociopolitical minority identity’ of madness?” I have long been fascinated by the way identities are constructed, mobilised, assigned and challenged within the ‘realm of contention’ of the ‘psy’ disciplines. Patient, ex-patient,...