by Hearing the Voice | Mar 3, 2015 | Conferences, Seminars, Lectures & Workshops
Thistle County Hotel, Newcastle upon Tyne 15-16 June 2015 The relationship between voice hearing and loss or trauma suggests that they are personified aspects of dissociated experiences. Voice dialogue is an approach to working with voices that accepts them as having...
by Hearing the Voice | Feb 6, 2015 | Conferences, Seminars, Lectures & Workshops
Psychosis and Trauma: A one day conference Friday 6th March 2015 9.30am -3.30pm Friends Meeting House, Friargate, York, YO1 9RL The conference is aimed at people who are experiencing mental health problems, their families and professionals. The day will focus on...
by Hearing the Voice | Mar 28, 2013 | Conferences, Seminars, Lectures & Workshops, Reviews |
‘Best Practice in Psychosis Conference’ 19 March 2013 Calman Learning Centre, Durham University On Tuesday 19th March, Hearing the Voice was delighted to host a ‘Best Practice in Psychosis Conference’ in conjunction with the Tyne, Esk and Wear Valleys (TEWV) NHS...