Online Surveys

Applications are invited for a Research Assistant based in Psychology with a particular emphasis on mental health and science communication.

The project involves being part of an editorial and production team for our new website, Understanding Voices, which aims to provide up-to-date information about voice-hearing (or auditory hallucinations) for the people with this experience, their friends and families, and the general public. The website will launch in summer of 2019 and will be supported by a range of resources, including print materials, downloadable PDFs, and multi-media (e.g. animations, videos, and podcasts). Understanding Voices is being developed by Hearing the Voice, an eight-year research project on voice-hearing funded by the Wellcome Trust. The post will be line-managed by Dr Victoria Patton, head of the Understanding Voices editorial and production team and Communications, Engagement and Impact Lead for Hearing the Voice.

The successful applicant will be expected to conduct desk research, interview contributors, review and summarise research findings, and write text for a range of formats, including the website, print materials, and scripts for videos and animation. Skills with summarising research evidence and communicating it to different audiences is a key requirement for the role, and may be suited to candidates with experience of blogging, public engagement or science communication.

This post is fixed term for 9 months, part-time 16.5 hours per week. The post is for this specific amount of time to work towards the initial launch of Understanding Voices and contribute to edits and updates in the first 3 months of its release.

The full job description can be downloaded here.

For informal enquiries please contact Dr Victoria Patton. All enquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Please apply through the Durham University e-recruitment system, reference 017167. Applications close at midday on January 14 2019. We’d love to hear from you!