In the Real
UK launch of a new film by Conor McCormack
Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne
14 July 2015
5-6pm: Wine reception
6-8pm: Film screening and panel discussion
‘The film is like a jewel that you need to hold up to the light to see it sparkle. It is rich with the lives of ordinary people leading a life that is far from ordinary and can be mysterious. It is about a struggle to make sense of the unusual and a desire to be understood.’
Errol, Bristol Hearing Voices Network
For the past 3 years, filmmaker and psychoanalyst Conor McCormack has documented the Bristol Hearing Voices Network – a self-help group for people who hear voices and have other unusual experiences.
The result of this collaboration is the observational documentary In the Real, a complex and insightful study of the experience of voice-hearing. Who, or what, are the voices that only these men can hear? What do they say and what do they mean? And how does hearing voices transform their sense of self and world?
The UK launch of In the Real will be followed by a panel discussion featuring the makers and protagonists of the documentary, Jacqui Dillon, chair of the Hearing Voices Network in England and Dr Angela Woods, co-director of the Hearing the Voice project at Durham University. Join us to explore the dynamics of Hearing Voices groups and their role in helping people to accept and make sense of their experiences.
All welcome. Wine and nibbles will be provided.
In the Real was supported creatively and financially by Hearing the Voice – an interdisciplinary research project, based at Durham University and funded by the Wellcome Trust, which aims to provide a better understanding of what it is like to hear voices when no one is speaking.
Ticket prices
Includes admission to the wine reception, screening and panel discussion:
Adults: £5
Student/Concession: £3
Members of Hearing Voices Groups: Free
Adult and Student/Concession tickets are available to book online here. Free tickets for members of Hearing Voices Groups can be reserved for collection at the door by contacting the Tyneside Cinema box office by email or on 0191 227 5500.
Proceeds from ticket sales will be used to support Hearing Voices groups in the North-East of England. More information about In the Real can be found on the film’s website.