Mind in Camden
Voice Collective Development Worker
Starting salary £14,646 (inclusive of ILW) for 21 hours per week
Mind in Camden is seeking a motivated, creative and confident individual for the post of Voice Collective Development Worker, at our innovative project to establish a London wide network of peer support groups for young people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory experiences.
Funded until 31st March 2017, this post will give the successful applicant an opportunity to help progress an established and renowned project.
We are looking for someone with excellent interpersonal skills, flexibility and the awareness to work well in challenging environments.
In addition to the above, the successful candidate will have experience of working with vulnerable young people; an in-depth understanding of the principles and practice of the hearing voices movement and its ethos, and a strong commitment to user-led initiatives.
Applications are particularly welcome from those with personal experience of hearing voices, seeing visions or having other extra sensory experiences.
For an application pack, email Mind in Camden, visit their website see or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs).
Closing date: Friday 3rd July at 5pm.
Interviews: Wednesday 15th July and Tuesday 21st July
This post is funded until 31st March 2017
Mind in Camden values diversity and welcomes applications from all parts of the community.