by Hearing the Voice | Mar 28, 2019 | Conferences, Seminars, Lectures & Workshops, HtV Events
Many people hear voices when there is no-one there. Some are called mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing. Ray Bradbury in Zen in the art of writing Irrespective of...
by Hearing the Voice | May 2, 2018 | Cultural & Media Events, Events, Interviews & Talks, Publications
Wednesday 23 May | 7PM | The Chapel (St Chad’s College) | 18 North Bailey | Durham DH1 3RH To launch her newest collection of poetry, Gillian Allnutt will be reading from wake in St Chad’s College (Durham University) at 7pm on Wednesday 23 May 2018. The...
by Hearing the Voice | Feb 15, 2017 | HtV Research
Systematic studies of experiences of reading are few and far between. In 2014, Hearing the Voice researchers collaborated with the Edinburgh International Book Festival and the Guardian in order to investigate how readers hear (or don’t hear) the voices of...