Jordan Goldstein reviews the Inaugural North American Conference of the International Consortium on Hallucination Research (ICHR), 26-27 September 2016.

Earlier this year, Hearing the Voice offered two travel bursaries to support a peer-group facilitator from the hearing voice community as well as a researcher with an interest in hallucinations to attend the Inaugural North American Conference of the International...

3rd Bi-annual Meeting of the International Consortium on Hallucination Research: Hearing Voices and Hallucinations – Research, Practice and Recovery, 21 October 2015, Melbourne, Australia

Hearing Voices and Hallucinations: Research, Practice and Recovery Public Conference Brennan Hall, Aikenhead Building St Vincent’s Hospital Fitzroy, Victoria 3065 Australia Wednesday 21 October 2015 9 am – 6.30 pm The International Consortium on...