by Hearing the Voice | Dec 14, 2018 | Conferences, Seminars, Lectures & Workshops, Cultural & Media Events, Events, featured, HtV Research, Publications
17 January 2019 | 6-8PM | Priors Hall | Durham Cathedral | Durham | DH1 3EH We warmly invite you to celebrate the launch of Hearing Voices, Demonic and Divine: Scientific and Theological Perspectives by Professor Chris Cook (Co-Investigator, Hearing the Voice) at...
by Hearing the Voice | Dec 5, 2017 | Events, Publications, Voice-Hearing Network
Wednesday 17 January 2018 | 16:45-19:00 | The Henry Thomas Room, 166-220 Holloway Road, London, N78DB This January, Race On The Agenda (ROTA) and London Metropolitan University will host the book launch for Institutional Racism in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology:...