IMG_0889As we shut up shop at HtV Towers for the Christmas break, we’re looking back over an exciting first couple of months of our project. This term we have devised a new experience-sampling study, talked about voice-hearing in twelfth-century miracle narratives, asked what voice-hearing can tell us about the structure of experience, thought about memory and inner speech, explored literary representations of voice-hearing, planned a new CBT package for voices, delved into the neuroscience of how voices are represented in the brain, talked to broadcasters about reducing stigma and disseminating information about voice-hearing, planned some exciting art projects, and much more. Most importantly of all, we have talked to lots of wise, brave and incredibly resourceful voice-hearers, from whom we never stop learning.

Whether you are a voice-hearer, a clinician, a mental health worker, an academic or here out of general interest, have a safe and happy Christmas, and please join us for more conversations about voice-hearing in the New Year.