World Hearing Voices Congress 2016 - Call for Workshops


Hosted by the French Hearing Voices Network, the 8th World Hearing Voices Congress will take place on 20-21 October 2016 at Maison des associations de solidaritè, 10-18 rue des Terres au Curè, 75013 Paris.

The congress will be composed exclusively of workshops but there will also be a number of public events, including a plenary conference on the evening of Wednesday 19 October 2016 and a Public Forum on Saturday 22 October 2016.

The organisers are currently seeking highly interactive workshops for inclusion in the congress conceived by or with voice-hearers. If you would like to submit a proposal, please download the call for workshops and the workshop submission form.

The deadline for applications is 10 June 2016. Please email your submissions to the conference organisers.

More information about the 2016 World Hearing Voices Congress can be found here. Registration is not yet open, but please keep in touch with our blog for updates.