Dialogues from Babel
Direction: Mary Robson
Text: Philip Howard

We are delighted to announce that a rehearsed reading of Dialogues from Babel will take place in Edinburgh and Newcastle upon Tyne early next month.

Drawn from interviews with voice-hearers and novelists, Dialogues from Babel weaves together conversations that unfold to illuminate the experience of hearing a voice that no one else can hear.

I think the sounds are coming from me
From my heart
My heart’s a radio

Seven actors have worked alongside director Mary Robson, dramaturg Philip Howard and Fife-based sound designer R J McConnell to create a unique theatrical experience.

The 90-minute rehearsed reading will be followed by a 30-minute panel discussion. Both performances will also be preceded by a drinks reception, to which the audience are warmly invited.

Dialogues from Babel is the result of a long-term collaboration between Edinburgh International Book Festival and Hearing the Voice. To find out more explore the theatre programme.


4 March 2022, 7.30pm (drinks reception from 6.30pm)
Traverse Theatre
10 Cambridge Street
Buy tickets.

7 March 2022, 7pm (drinks reception from 6pm)
Northern Stage
Barras Bridge
Newcastle upon Tyne
Buy tickets.

We very much hope you can join us for what promises to be an inspiring and thought-provoking evening.

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