The Hearing the Voice Research Seminar series is designed to provide a platform for HtV researchers to share the detailed findings of their research and gain feedback from a wider audience. Anyone with an interest in Hearing the Voice research is welcome to attend.
The programme for 2015 is as follows:
Thursday 22 January 2015: Dr Ben Alderson-Day (Postdoctoral Research Associate in Psychology, Durham University) on ‘Voices, Agents and Presences: Asking the “Who?” question of Auditory Verbal Hallucinations’
Thursday 12 March 2015: Dr David Smailes (Postdoctoral Research Associate in Psychology, Durham University) on ‘Tailoring Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Sub-types of Voice-hearing’
Thursday 7 May 2015: Professor Pat Waugh (Department of English Studies, Durham University) on ‘Voices Becoming Characters: Insights from the Experimental Novel’
Thursday 4 June 2015: Professor Charles Fernyhough (Department of Psychology, Durham University) on ‘The Voices in Our Heads’
All seminars will take place in the Birley Room at Hatfield College, Durham University (number 20 on this map) from 5 pm to 7 pm. If you would like to reserve a place at any of these events, please register using our online registration form. If you have any queries, please contact Victoria Patton.