Ben Alderson-Day writes: If you have been following the project recently you may have seen some of our posts on Inner Voices for the Guardian, including Pete Moseley on the neuroscience of inner speech, Pat Waugh on the voices of Hilary Mantel and Virginia Woolf, and Marco Bernini’s take on inner speech and Samuel Beckett.
Last week I wrote a post on voice-hearing in people who don’t have psychosis or any other particular mental health problem (If you missed it, it’s still up here). At the end of that post we asked for people to get in touch if they have had experiences of voice-hearing, but haven’t needed psychiatric care.
We’ve had a great response so far, with lots of people getting in contact – but we would still like to hear from more. In particular, we would like to hear from people who are based in the UK and might be interested in taking part in some research in the future.
It’s really important that researchers get to hear from people who have had voice-hearing experiences but either haven’t been distressed by them, or haven’t needed to seek professional help. Why? Because firstly, it allows us to get a better idea of how common (and how normal) these experiences might actually be. And secondly, it could eventually help us to help others who are in distress, by looking at how voice-hearing works when it isn’t necessarily a problem. If that sounds like your experience, please get in touch.
If you have had an experience of voice-hearing without need for psychiatric care, contact us at Hearing the Voice.