ICHR - second call

A satellite meeting of the International Consortium on Hallucination Research (ICHR) will take place on 9-10 September 2014 at the Rica Nidelven Hotel in Tronheim, Norway.  The meeting is hosted by Bodil Kråkvik, Einar Vedul-Kjelsås, Anne Martha Kalhovde, Frank Larøi, and Kenneth Hugdahl.

The overall theme of the conference is research on experiences of hearing voices in clinical and nonclinical populations and clinical interventions.

The topics to be considered are:

  • Phenomenology of voice experiences
  • Neurobiology of hearing voices
  • Lived experience of hearing voices
  • Clinical interventions

Confirmed speakers include Marius Romme, Sandra Escher, Iris Sommer, Andrea Raballo, Kenneth Hugdahl, Debra Lampshire, Mark Hayward and Neil Thomas.

Guidelines for abstract submission
Abstracts can be submitted for Oral and Poster presentations and Workshop proposals. For Workshop proposals, the abstract should outline the content of the workshop. The organizing committee of the satellite consortium meeting welcomes submissions that reflect the topics of the conference. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words (Author(s), institute(s) and country not included). The abstracts must be written in English. All abstracts received will be peer reviewed by the Conference´s Scientific Committee. A research abstract should include a title, the aim of the study, methods, results and conclusion. A clinical practice abstract should include a title, theoretical underpinning, development process, results, implications and learning outcome.

Please send your abstracts to Kathrine Johansen.  The deadline for submissions is 1 May 2014.

In order to register for this conference, please contact Kathrine Johansen

The deadline for registration is 26 May 2014.  Early bird registration closes on 26 April 2014.

For more information about the meeting, please download the second call for papers, the list of speakers and the general information pack.

For tourist information regarding the city of Trondheim, please click here.

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