LERN’s Grassroots Hearing Voices Research team have recently launched a hearing voices group facilitators’ (and organizers’) survey with a focus on groups operating in the United States. More information on LERN’s user/survivor/voice hearer-led hearing voices groups research and related initiatives is available here.
The primary goal of the survey is to better understand the (geographical and organizational) diversity of hearing voices groups in the United States, group organization and composition, and past or present facilitator’s perspectives on optimal facilitator training, the impact of group participation and opinions on broader or narrower (e.g. voice-only-focused) groups.
The survey benefited from feedback from multiple hearing voices facilitators and allied activists. All (anonymized) data will be made freely available to any interested hearing voices group or individual. LERN hope that the survey results will contribute both to the further development of the hearing voices movement in the US and lay the groundwork for more in-depth follow-up research and evaluation projects.
If you would like to take part in the survey, please click here.
LERN would appreciate any help disseminating the survey to US facilitators and thank prospective participants in advance.