The Mental Health Research Centre at Durham University extend a warm invitation to a special SPIRE (Support and Partnership for Ideas, Research and Empowerment) seminar, which will feature Dr Helen Fisher and Dr Lucia Valmaggia (King’s College London) on ‘The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Outcomes of Psychosis’ and ‘From Help-seeking to Help Accepting: Implementing early detection in a prison setting’.  The seminar will take place on Thursday 27th February (1.00 pm lunch, 1.30-2.30 pm seminar followed by Q & A) in F009, Wolfson Research Institute, Queens Campus, Stockton on Tees.

Dr Helen Fisher is a Lecturer within the MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London and funded by a Medical Research Council (MRC) Population Health Scientist fellowship. She is also a Chartered Research Psychologist and a Research Consultant for the National Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). Dr Fisher’s primary interest is in the role of childhood maltreatment in the development and course of psychotic and depressive disorders together with the psychological and genetic mechanisms that underlie such associations.

Dr Lucia Valmaggia is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at King’s College London and Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Early Intervention. She is also the Director of the OASIS in Prison team. Dr Valmaggia’s clinical and research interests include early detection, psychological interventions for psychosis, virtual reality assisted therapy and the influence of social stressors on the onset and course of psychosis.

If you would like to attend this event, please register by emailing Susan Williams.  The deadline for registration is Monday 24th February 2014 (for catering purposes).