Durham University and Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust, Joint Special Interest Group for Psychosis

Dr Charles Fernyhough on The Inner Speech model of voice-hearing, 31st October, Collingwood College, Weardale Room, 5.30 – 7pm

Charles Fernyhough is a developmental psychologist involved with the Hearing the Voice project, which is supported by a Strategic Award from the Wellcome Trust. Hearing the Voice is an interdisciplinary project based at Durham University which aims to achieve a better understanding of the phenomenology of voice-hearing, personal and social interpretations of the experience, and what these mean for hearers. A dominant model of voice-hearing holds that it involves a disturbance in the process by which inner speech is attributed to the self. Charles will present a new theoretical framework for inner speech and review some relevant evidence from developmental psychology and adult psychopathology. He will then consider some of the challenges facing this account, both conceptual and empirical. He will conclude by pointing to some ways in which a better understanding of inner speech and the phenomenology of voice-hearing can enhance psychoeducation and psychological therapies for those who seek help with managing the experience.

This group is open to all staff working in either the Trust or University, however will be of particular interest to those staff working in ‘psychosis services’ or who are involved in research within the field. A warm welcome is also extended to any service users who would like to attend and expenses are available.

The group meets on a regular basis with dates/venues announced within TEWV e.bulletin and the University communications.

If you would like to reserve a place please contact rachel.sanger@tewv.nhs.uk 01914415768. For more information contact valentina.short@tewv.nhs.uk  or c.p.fernyhough@durham.ac.uk or angela.woods@durham.ac.uk

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