Hearing the Voice is an interdisciplinary project led by researchers at Durham University. The project aims to help us better understand the phenomenon of hearing a voice no one else can hear (a phenomenon also referred to as auditory verbal hallucinations), its cognitive-neuroscientific mechanisms, its social, cultural and historical significance, and its therapeutic management.
Our research team includes academics from cognitive neuroscience, cultural studies, English literature, medical humanities, philosophy, psychiatry, psychology and theology; clinicians and arts-and-health practitioners; voice-hearers, service users and other ‘experts by experience.’
We have been developing Hearing the Voice since 2010 with the support of Durham’s Institute of Advanced Study, the Seedcorn Research Fund and the Centre for Medical Humanities. In April 2012 we received a Medical Humanities Strategic Award from the Wellcome Trust to fund the first, three-year phase of the project. We are delighted to advise that the official launch of Hearing the Voice will take place in October 2012.
To keep in touch with the project [twitter-follow screen_name=’hearingvoice’] or Charles Fernyhough for more information.