Professor Dr Marius Romme and Dr Sandra Escher
with three voice hearers telling about their voice-hearing experience

Monday 5 December 2011, 6.00 – 7.15pm
Rosemary Cramp Lecture Theatre, Calman Learning Centre
Durham University Science Site

Prof. Dr. Marius Romme
and Dr. Sandra Escher are world experts in voice-hearing and are visiting fellows of the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University. In their second public lecturethey will: outline the core concepts in their approach to accepting and making sense of voices; review similarities and differences between voice-hearers who become patients and voice-hearers who do not, concentrating on the emotional response to voices and the role of traumatic experience; present findings from their recent study of fifty voice-hearers; outline the ten steps necessary for recovery; and discuss the importance for voice hearers of learning to talk about their experience in a structured way.

To conclude the evening, Jess Davey, Lindsey Stebbing and Adam Tivenan will each tell their story. Jess, Lindsey and Adam have been participating in the voice-hearing workshops run by Sandra Escher during her time in Durham.

All welcome.