The Centre for Medical Humanities with the Institute of Advanced Study present

Avatar therapy for persecutory auditory hallucinations unresponsive to medication

Professor Julian Leff

Thursday 10 November, 3pm
Birley Room
Hatfield College, Durham University DH1 3RQ

A special seminar in connection with visiting fellows Professor Marius Romme and Dr Sandra Escher.

One in three patients with auditory hallucinations fail to respond to
medication. A computer based system has been developed which enables the
patient to create an avatar of the entity they believe is speaking to
them. A dialogue is initiated between the patient and their avatar in
which the avatar progressively comes under their control. This change in
the power relationship generalises to everyday life, with great benefit
to the patients.

Julian Leff  is Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Psychiatry, London. He trained at University College Hospital (UCH) and the Maudsley. His special interests are working with families, evaluating psychosocial interventions, ethnic minorities and psychosis.

All welcome. RSVPs essential by Monday 7 November. Dowload the Julian Leff Flyer (1MB).