Scientific explanation image
The first seminar in the 2016  Hearing the Voice Research Seminar series, featuring a presentation by Dr Sam Wilkinson (Department of Philosophy, Durham University) on ‘Explanation and explanatory power in psychiatry: The case of voice-hearing’,  will take place in the Joachim Room in the College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham University (number 30 on this map) on Thursday 11 February 2016, 5 pm – 7 pm.

Abstract: What is it to provide an explanation of something? In this seminar, Sam will explore different accounts of what an explanation is, and present his own preferred account, which he calls interrogative pragmatism. Against the backdrop of this account of explanation, Sam will elaborate an account of what makes something not merely an explanation, but also a more powerful explanation than a potential competitor. In other words, he will give an account of explanatory power. Finally, Sam will apply this to psychiatry in general, and voice hearing in particular, and illustrate instances of some explanations being more powerful than others.

The Hearing the Voice Research Seminar series is designed to provide a platform for HtV researchers to share the detailed findings of their research and gain feedback from a wider audience.  Anyone with an interest in Hearing the Voice research is welcome to attend. If you would like to reserve a place, please fill in our online registration form.

Wine and nibbles provided.

More information about the other HtV seminars in the schedule for 2016 can be found here. If you have any queries about this event or the HtV Research Seminar series in general, please contact Victoria Patton.